Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
oXMMSServerLook at this if you want to code inside the server
|oCollectionThis is the collection manager
|oConfigControls configuration for the server
|oSample ConverterConvert sample formats back and forth
|oErrorError reporting
|oIPCIPC functions for XMMS2 Daemon
|oMainMain object
|oMediaInfoReaderThe mediainfo reader
|oMedialibMedialib caches metadata
|oObjectObject representation in XMMS server
|oOutputOutput is responsible to put the decoded data on the soundcard
|oPlaylistThis is the playlist control
|oRingbufferRingbuffer primitive
|oVisualizationFeeds playing data in various forms to the client
|\XFormXForm API
oThe type xmmsv_t
|oEasier building of lists and dictionaries
|\CollectionsThe API to be used to work with collection structures
\S4A database backend for XMMS2
 oConditionFunctions to create and use S4 search conditions
 oFetch SpecificationsSpecifies what to fetch in a query
 oLockLocks entries so only one transaction can use tham at a time
 oLogLogs every action so we can redo changes if something crashes
 oPatternFunctions to create and match glob-like patterns
 oEntryThe in-memory database
 oResultHandles results returned from S4
 oResult SetA set of results
 oSource PreferencesHandles source preferences
 oTransactionsFunctions dealing with transactions
 oUUIDFunctions dealing with UUID
 \ValueThe way values are represented in S4