collection.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <xmmsclient/xmmsclient.h>
#include <xmmsclientpriv/xmmsclient.h>
#include <xmmsc/xmmsc_idnumbers.h>


xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_get (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, const char *collname, xmmsv_coll_namespace_t ns)
 Get the collection structure of a collection saved on the server. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_sync (xmmsc_connection_t *conn)
 Synchronize collection data to the database. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_list (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, xmmsv_coll_namespace_t ns)
 List all collections saved on the server in the given namespace. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_save (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, xmmsv_t *coll, const char *name, xmmsv_coll_namespace_t ns)
 Save a collection structure on the server under the given name, in the given namespace. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_remove (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, const char *name, xmmsv_coll_namespace_t ns)
 Remove a collection from the server. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_find (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, int mediaid, xmmsv_coll_namespace_t ns)
 Find all collections in the given namespace which match the given media. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_rename (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, const char *from_name, const char *to_name, xmmsv_coll_namespace_t ns)
 Rename a saved collection. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_query_ids (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, xmmsv_t *coll, xmmsv_t *order, int limit_start, int limit_len)
 List the ids of all media matched by the given collection. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_query_infos (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, xmmsv_t *coll, xmmsv_t *order, int limit_start, int limit_len, xmmsv_t *fetch, xmmsv_t *group)
 List the properties of all media matched by the given collection. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_query (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, xmmsv_t *coll, xmmsv_t *fetch)
 Finds all media in the collection and fetches it as specified in fetch. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_broadcast_collection_changed (xmmsc_connection_t *c)
 Request the collection changed broadcast from the server. More...
xmmsc_result_txmmsc_coll_idlist_from_playlist_file (xmmsc_connection_t *conn, const char *path)
 Create a new collections structure with type idlist from a playlist file. More...