

Audio::XMMSClient::Result - Results of Audio::XMMSClient operations


  use Audio::XMMSClient;

  my $conn = Audio::XMMSClient->new($client_name);
  $conn->connect or die $c->get_last_error;

  my $result = $c->playback_status;
  print $result->value;


This module provides an abstract, asyncronous interface to for retrieving results of Audio::XMMSClient server operations.



Arguments: none
Return Value: $class
  my $class = $result->get_class;

Get the class of the result. This may be one of "default", "signal" and "broadcast".


Arguments: \&func, $data?
Return Value: none
  $result->notifier_set(sub { die 'got an answer!' });

Set up a callback for the result retrival. This callback will be called when the answers arrives. It's arguments will be the result itself as well as an optional userdata if $data is passed.


Arguments: none
Return Value: $result
  my $value = $result->wait->value;

Block for the reply. In a synchronous application this can be used to wait for the result. Will return the $result this method was called when the server replyed.


Arguments: none
Return Value: $type
  my $type = $result->get_type;

Get the type of the result. May be one of "none", "error", "uint", "int", "string", "dict", "bin", "coll" or "list".


Arguments: none
Return Value: 1 | 0
  my $has_error = $result->iserror;

Check if the result represents an error. Returns a true value if the result is an error, false otherwise.


Arguments: none
Return Value: $message
  my $message = $result->get_error;

Get an error $message describing the error that occoured.


Arguments: none
Return Value: $scalar | \@arrayref | \%hashref | \%propdict
  my $value = $result->value;

Gets the return value of the $result. Depending of the results type ("get_type") you might get other types of return values.


Arguments: $string
Return Value: $decoded_url
  my $decoded_url = $result->decode_url($url);
  my $decoded_url = Audio::XMMSClient::Result->decode_url($url);

Decode an URL-encoded $string.

Some strings (currently only the url of media) has no known encoding, and must be encoded in an UTF-8 clean way. This is done similar to the url encoding web browsers do. This functions decodes a string encoded in that way. OBSERVE that the decoded string HAS NO KNOWN ENCODING and you cannot display it on screen in a 100% guaranteed correct way (a good heuristic is to try to validate the decoded string as UTF-8, and if it validates assume that it is an UTF-8 encoded string, and otherwise fall back to some other encoding).

Do not use this function if you don't understand the implications. The best thing is not to try to display the url at all.

Note that the fact that the string has NO KNOWN ENCODING and CAN NOT BE DISPLAYED does not stop you from open the file if it is a local file (if it starts with "file://").

This method can either be called as a class or instance method.


Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>


Audio::XMMSClient, Audio::XMMSClient::Result::PropDict


Copyright (C) 2006-2008, Florian Ragwitz

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
